Tuesday, April 6, 2010

An Introduction and a Recap

Welcome fellow bloggers! My name is Reid Root. I'm currently a culinary and pastry student at Kapiolani Community College situated on the island of Oahu. Being a culinary student or a student in general there are a ton of things we experience everyday and its all caught up in an emotional whirlwind just waiting to burst. That being said the reason behind creating this blog was sort of a way for me to express those pent- up thoughts and record my journey; whether it is failures, trials, or successes, through culinary school and life. If you’re reading this you’re either bored and are perusing through blogs, hit the next blog button, are interested in my journey through school and life, or are a supportive friends, family or classmates. Either way thank you and hope you enjoy my blog.

Module One: A quick recap of the first part of the semester
The morning session of Fundamentals of Cookery with Chef Frank Leake, the class that I've heard so many horror stories (all over exaggerated) from some of my pastry classmate, wasn’t all that bad in reality. To be honest it was rather exhilarating having to scramble almost every day to finish things ON TIME and it was relieving express my feeling and reflect upon myself in my daily writings. Slicing my thumb on the right hand ( which is my dominant hand) and having to get TEN stitches from a plastic surgeon (whom I thank for saving me from a rather irritated RN) was a bump in the road (or as my friends call it an EPIC FAIL). Like a player who twisted their ankle I was BENCHED for the next week (to my great dismay). Eventually I healed and got back into cooking and got ready to take on the dragon of all practical exams.
I finished almost everything in the practical exam and was very close in bribing someone to sell me their unused egg so I could make up for a broken mayonnaise. Overall my hard work and persistence to never give up got me through with a passing grade and gave me new confidence in both my skills and myself. After this class was done it was time to move onto a different class. Intermediate Cookery.

Module Two: The first four weeks of the second part of the semester
The beginning was a bit intimidating but now it is almost like going to work. We’re basically in the cafeteria working on different stations every week. The different stations are salad, entrĂ©e, short- order, deli, and steward. The first week we alternated daily each station just to get use to each. Then the second week we were assigned groups and given a specific rotation cycle. My group consists of Casey, Andrew, and Kanji. The first two weeks went by well but by the third week I was finally feeling the fatigue and illness that I was afraid of catching earlier in the first module and came down with a nasty cold and missed two days of class.
The four week has come, we’re at short-order, and I’m about 95% recovered. So things are looking up. Basically short-order is a lot of cooking that’s short and fast (hence the name). Today I cooked a massive amount of fries (Straight, curly, and onion rings) for the masses. Tomorrow is a longer day where we get to cook for the waiting hungry students (YES human interaction!!!!) Tomorrow special is Chili cheese dog and Teri- Chicken. I’m thinking about throwing together a last minute barbeque burger with onion rings inside. Let’s see if I can do it and how it pans out ( I mean pretty simple right?)

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